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All About Prayer Bible Course

Watch this space!!! We may post some introductory videos for our course on prayer before the course we are currently working on (The Word of God) is completed!

Join Us As We Pray 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 - It is awesome!

Lesson 1 - Introduction to our


Lesson 2 - What is PRAYER?

Lesson 3 - WHY Pray Anyway?

Lesson 4 - Hearing God's Voice

Lesson 6 - When do we Pray

Lesson 5 - Postures of Prayer

Lesson 7 - Types of Prayer - Adoration

Lesson 8 - Types of Prayer
Thanksgiving Part 1

Lesson 9 - Types of Prayer
Thanksgiving Part 2

Lesson 10 - Types of Prayer Inercession Part 1

Lesson 11 - Types of Prayer Inercession Part 2

Lesson 12 - Types of Prayer Inercession Part 3

Lesson 13 - Types of Prayer Inercession Part 4 - My Family

Lesson 14 - Types of Prayer Inercession Part 5 - The Lost

We have not yet completed our "Prayer" Bible course. We are simply wanting to get a wider variety of themes uploaded. So watch this space for future "Prayer" lessons!

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