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Exploring Kingdom Education Part 1

by Lelonnie Hibberd

It Has Been Generally Understood…

The concept of kingdom education has traditionally leaned heavily upon protecting a child from the influence of the world by immersing that child in a Christ centered environment, where at home, school and church, he/she is equipped to live out Biblical principles and a life of trust, love and obedience to Christ.

Exploring the Lord’s Heart

We have been talking and praying with educators from other parts of the country as we have sought to both learn from others and explore the Lord’s heart. We have asked the questions of Him and of others, “What is Kingdom Education, in the context of the present social, economic and political climate in America?”

This post is simply a little more exploration to invite you the reader, to discuss, think and pray about what the Lord is saying to the church. We have some thoughts which we hope will positively contribute to ongoing discussions.

Setting the Relevant Context

Our first premise is that we aim to explore kingdom education within the context of every sphere of society and culture, recognizing the Scriptural precedent of Daniel loving and serving the Lord in the midst of a foreign and godless culture in Babylon. We’ve looked at his life because we recognize that many of the students we teach will not wind up in a ministry based employment, but rather will be the future doctors, engineers, developers, hairdressers, plumbers, technicians, and indeed teachers in the midst of our own godless culture. How do we prepare these young people to live a life of trust, love and obedience to Christ?

Exploring the Bible

In looking at Isa 2 or Micah 4 we find that when Jesus comes, “He will teach us His ways.” (Isa. 2:3). The passage goes on to describe how our Lord will exert His wisdom and influence in every sphere of culture, including the law, justice, military and agricultural systems of the earth. The mountain of the Lord’s house, or the place of prayer, will be of primary importance in the earth. We have learned from these Scriptures, that any discussion of kingdom education must be bathed, covered and permeated by prayer. We have also learned that kingdom education is destined to powerfully influence very sphere of modern day culture.

A Personal Invitation…

At our school, we have heard the Lord’s invitation, “Ask Me to come and walk among you and watch how I do education.” We know the day is coming when Jesus’ teachings will fill the earth, but we believe He has invited us to both discover His heart for Kingdom education and to explore His ways, now, in our “neck of the woods” as it were, and in our time.

We invite you to join with us on this journey…

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