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HELPING CHILDREN PRAY: for your nation & the nations

Inherent in a book about praying for the nations is the subject of prayer itself. As we pray with our children for those in other nations, we grow to know the heart of God, Himself. We can't pray for salvation for the lost in any meaningful way, for example, without encountering Jesus ourselves. Nor can we pray for the fruits of the Spirit to be demonstrated in their lives without wondering, "Do I need the fruit of the spirit as well? Is that love, joy and peace all that evident in my life?

Threaded throughout the dozens of creative and interactive ways to pray, are many how-to's, such as: how to grow your personal prayer life, know Jesus more, engage with and love His word in the Bible, live a Spirit-filled life and grow in faithfulness and fruitfulness. All the ideas in this book can be shared with your children as you walk with God alongside them.  The last chapters contain bonus sections: how to make your own prayer boards for the nations as well as introductions to other websites and groups that will help you help your children pray.

Helping Children Pray: on Amazon $19.99 USD

The Glory of a Widow

by Lelonnie Hibberd

The widow, a woman alone, bereaved and always missing her beloved is a perpetual picture and a unique encouragement for the body of Christ. Until our Bridegroom returns to this earth in glory; until Jesus comes to stay, we too are in a way, in a widowed state. We await that day when the faith shall be sight and when we shall finally and forever be reunited with our Lord.


Are we happy enough to continue to build the kingdom and get on with our daily lives without His physical presence? Or do we recognize that we were meant to be together!....

Currently undergiong revision - Coming soon!

Raising a Forerunner Generation - Available Here: is all about children with a passion: for Jesus, for HIs justice and to prepare the way for His coming! The 308 page book tackles 30 different themes such as: Hearing from God, Trusting God, Sowing and Reaping, Forgiveness, Responding to Jesus, The Love of God, the Armor of God, the Outward Appearance or the Heart, God's Heroes and many more. The aim of the book is to help parents, teachers, children's pastors, and mentors of children and young teens walk with God in every area of life and as related to each theme.


The comprehensive forward and introduction describes some of the philosophy based upon the author's experiences of raising a forerunner generation along with encounters the author had with the Lord and His word that led to the writing of this book. $14.99 USD

AMAZON KDP Adoration-Prayers-FRONT-Cover

In stock at, "Adoration Prayers for Children" gives a number of important reasons we adore the Lord, whatever our age, and based upon Scriptural foundational truths that teach about the importance of this type of prayer. 


Written by Lelonnie Hibberd, this book for children and adults, includes a beautiful drawing for each of the 18 facets of our beautiful God the children are taught to adore, relevant Scriptures to read, sing, pray and illustrate and ideas for adults to help the children pray.

Angela Steinke, an accomplished artist and potter, and who taught Art to 5-18-year-olds for many years, has sought in her illustrations to capture the joy and pleasure of the Lord as little children speak and sing their prayers of worship and adoration straight to His heart.  $9.99 USD

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Keys of the Kingdom - Growing Children of Faith c2004 - has been written with one simple aim in mind - to help anyone with a desire to see children grow as part of God's kingdom. Parents, ministers, youth leaders, and Sunday school teachers will find it an invaluable and inspirational aid brimming with practical ideas and possibilities that have been tried and tested in many settings.

In Stock & Available at: Olive Tree UK

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