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Videos for Parents

From time to time, we will be uploading videos to give parents more information on a particular topic or the background to a video we have made for children.

For example, we feel it is so very important to use the actual Bible with children, so we've made two videos to explain why.

We've also made a video that talks about meditation on the Bible. How it is completely UNLIKE worldly meditation and why we love to meditate on the word of God.

The main premise of this ministry is from Matt 19:14, where Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” A major part of letting our children come to Jesus is to allow them to engage with His words in Scripture. Though we may help, mentor, disciple and encourage them along the way, we must also realize that God the Holy Spirit is far more jealous for them than we could ever be. He is able to teach and impart truth to them just as Jesus promised in John 16:13-15. The very same Holy Spirit who dwells in you, longs to indwell, comfort, help and fellowship with your children!

Bible Storybooks or the Actual Bible

Part 1 - Sharing Perspectives & Experiences

Bible Storybooks or the Actual Bible Part 2 - Giving Actual Tools Parents Can Use

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